9:32 PM, Friday, May 12, 2006
grr...blogger ate up my post. now i shall have to type it out again. rahhh. okay, let's see. um.. Yay, i finally got a new blog after abandoning my old one for exactly 1 month. the Cloud skin is just to go in line with my current obsession: Cloud Strife frm final fantasy VII. yes i noe, many of u are goin to tell me "He's just a cartoon character." "He's doesn't even exist."And im goin to say in your face "So what?" He's not JUST a cartoon character, he has a soul, feeling, a PERSONALITY and a very touching story behind that very hot (and cool, hah, paradox) face. Thus, to all of you who still do not like Cloud and FF, go and find some sharp pointed object and stab ur brain with it. perhaps that would cure you. anw, i realized that whenever i am engrossed/addicted/obsessed with sth, i would go to all odds to be obsessed. for example, in Cloud's case, i printed pictures, used the blogskin, bought the DVD, read up on FF7 and him and so on. I stay up during exam week just to do that. You may think im crazy, but it's just me, i can't help it. If im going to be obsessed, im going to be truly obsessed.
Today was vesak day and yilin joan and adeline came over to my hse to do eng pt. It was very fun, but i (kinda) got bullied. cuz we needed one person to pose as the "China Foreign Scholar", we drew lots and guess who was the lucky one? ME, yes, wan ting, the one who shuffled the ice cream sticks. so, to create the look, i wore big black round glasses, tied my hair into 2 ponytails, buttoned my blouse to the collar, didn't fold my sleeves, wore a SUPER high and tight belt, a VERY VERY LONG pinafore (yilin's) and to complete the look, EXTREMELY HIGH socks. just imagine.
but at least we finished our advert. we zoomed through our ppt and went for lunch. Adeline had to leave so the 3 of us went to bukit panjang plaza to eat and shop. yilin and i found out that we are slaves to hairbands and notebooks. In order to choose 1 hairband, we went to 3 shops 2 times each at least b4 finally deciding on Blue 21's. I got orange, yilin got green and joan got pink. Then we went to popular and saw the really adorable notebooks! but we had to escape really fast in order not to be sucked into that evil evil black hole telling us to empty our pockets for that stack of paper binded nicely together with an irresistable design but we don't noe what to use for. it's happened to me before. i bought this SUPER nice notebook but when i got home, i didn't noe what to use it for. sighhh. we also saw CUTE earrings! those little studs tempted me to pull out my wallet and yilin to get her ears pierced but we resisted (at least for now) and walked away. after more window shopping, yilin and joan went to the LRT while i walked home eating my cheap ice cream which was already bloody melted when i got it.
oh ya, my mum bought the Lost season 1 DVD!! yay, now i have sth to watch during the sch hols, if i don't drown in the pile of PTs first. chinese SA is next week and i think i can scrape a MODERATELY good pass. Please let me get it, please, please, please. otherwise my results will flop down a well with no bottom. =(