9:07 PM, Friday, June 22, 2007
Can you hear it? The sound of the end..
I can't believe the hols are ending, like in 2 days time. and the saddest thing? i've still got training tmr! I wish i would wake up tmr morning and realize that we have another month of holiday and no gym (ok, maybe just once or twice a week)! but speaking realistically, that's not going to happen. Keep dreaming wan ting, keep dreaming. then again, i've always been one to dream. If you knew some of my dreams, you'll laugh till your jaw dislocates. Dreaming's real fun, to be honest, there are times when i just go and lie on bed with my eyes open and start dreaming. :D you should try it to. But it's almost impossible that my dreams will ever come true but wish wish and wish again. oh yeah, those are conscious dreams by the way, like dreams i control. so yeah, they're pretty incredulous.
Hmm, oh, i kinda just realized recently, twit-ness is spreading. i've always wondered why people need to write "sae" instead of "say", "tu" instead of "two", "veri" instead of "very", "dae" instead of "day" and many many more. i mean, if they have a purpose like being a short form then i can't comment but those don't even shorten the original words! all they do is hurt my eyes. especially if the whole page is littered with miie and sae and i don't know what else. it's not that hard to type/write properly is it? and isn't it harder to use another form of the word? i just don't get it. oh yeah, and the people who like to write stuff like "wOrRrXxXxXx" in every single sentence, what is the point?!? i'm pretty sure that takes twice as much time to type as a simple worxxxxxx. What is the whole point if typing like that just makes it hard to read and is time consuming. Unless you say that it's part of your personality. then i can't comment but to give you a hard hard "why in the world would you embrace this personality" stare. (does that sound harsh? sorry, but it's really aNnOyInG wORrXxXxX. )
hmm, i think yi-lin mentioned the plaits rule in nh in her blog. Well, i had plaits and i don't think they were that bad. I mean, other than the bald spot and frizzed hair (the maid always favoured tying tightly) i don't have much to say about it. but it is quite hard to tie them by myself. :)
i miss being a child, like 5 years old. doesn't anyone? :D