8:16 PM, Monday, January 21, 2008
that's right, smile! because shou zu is finally picking up :D 8 days is a liar, don't believe their episode synopsis. i've been wanting to do a post on shou zu for a pretty long time already. ok, since shou zu started but i felt silly. My old posts on shows always end up sounding pretty silly. maybe it's because i'm the only one who can feel that way. i actually really liked today's episode. it's sad and all, but oh so true. :) May there be more such episodes, where auntie and uncle love relationships are kept to the minimum.
hmm, "smile" reminds me of sth jw and i were discussing. she said that i look happy even when i'm not smiling in comparison to her. haha, i'm probably happy most of the time, cuz sometimes, even the smallest thing makes me happy. Example example! It's gonna sound extremely stupid but whatever, i'm putting it down anyway. i get joy from the littlest things such as well, um, having a pack natural confectionery co. gummy bears! the thought of being able to eat them tmr with everyone and seeing who bites off which limb first or chooses which flavour just gets me happy. it helps that they taste really good too. haha. i'm weird like that.
So yeah, life lesson for everyone: try to derive joy from the littlest things in life, it'll make you happier and your day brighter! :D yay. you could start with telling wan ting she looks like she grew taller (hem hem) which will make you happy too cuz you know that you're still taller than her.
Okay, i have to go do cmps stuff now and hopefully i can watch the last episode of Golden Path. heehee. byebye!
PS: WELCOME BACK MISS KEE, we missed you! :)
8:42 PM, Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Yup, that's exactly what school has been like the past 2 weeks. Okay, there were boring bits but with such crazy classmates, it isn't that bad :D
Ranging from The Adventures of Mr and Mrs Choo to animated discussions of Huang Jin Lu and Shou Zu (Chen papa!) in between lessons to explosive chem experiments (which left yellow stains all over my ws) to our "Get Well Soon Aera!" videos, quite a lot of things have happened. And i realise that A Ban chinese is very good and i think i shouldn't really be there. All the damn cheem yan yu and everything. The daily morning assembly thing also makes me kinda glad that they only implemented it in my last year. :)
Laoshi left and went back to china today. And i kinda miss her. Especially during conditioning. Oh well, hope she has fun back in Beijing during the Olympics!
8:15 PM, Tuesday, January 01, 2008
To quote lewguiqi's new year message,
it's out with the old, and in with the new..well, byebye 2007, hello 2008. mymy, another year has passed again. how fast. I've been looking forward to 08 for some time now, actually. Afterall, 8 is my favourite number (: it's such a lovely number. To end 07, it's been a real rollercoaster, complete with climbs, drops and loops. But it's been fun. Very very fun. And i have a lot of people to thank for that.
There's you all in 309, for being a great class and playing good rugby (haha). The gym team, for being such a fun yet loony bunch of awesome people. My family, for well, being family. :D New Zealand trip people! Lead Camp Grp 9! OBS Suisen Watch! yay, you know i had fab times with you all.
Special mention goes out to
yenyee jiawen yi-lin yenlin carol xianmin guiqi tingwen aera for making 07 life so fantastic.
i've got lots to say but the main point would be, THANK YOU :D hope 2008 will be as fun!
claire and yishan, thank you batchmates. hoho, let's pray that we can survive the new coach.
ruixin, thanks for being classchair and doing a fine job of it. do the same this year too kay? and to
everyone else, thanks for everything :D
okay half an hour to bedtime. 2008, here we come!
that's a wrap, folks.